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About Us

Shenzhen Nengyi Ecological Chemical Technology Co., Ltd. was established in May 2007 with the approval of the administrative department for industry and commerce; it is based on the spirit of advocating "humanity" as the foundation for the establishment and development of the enterprise, "adhering to the principle of "integrity" and the environment, The future, health and safety are the responsibility of a high degree of social responsibility, and the integration of low-toxic technical bottlenecks that hinder the development of the domestic coatings industry (paints and inks). Since 2009, the positioning of product quality has been in the countries of Europe, America and Japan. The relevant laws and regulations are the standard basis for products, based on the height of human health requirements, overcoming technical difficulties, and successfully developing high-tech, environmentally-friendly, water-based coating products that meet human health and safety requirements without toxic substances; More than 10 invention patents have been applied to the National Patent Office.
The company's core team is the only example of the domestic chemical industry that cannot be reached:
Technical Director: Ph.D. in Biochemistry, Professor of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Associate Researcher, Specially Appointed Expert of the Environmental Assessment Committee of the State Council;
Chief Engineer: (80s) Master of Science and Senior Engineer of High Scores;
Chairman: Volunteer of the People's Liberation Army Infrastructure Engineering Corps, Shenzhen Red Cross Society, Shenzhen Red Cross Five-Star Volunteer, National Five-Star Volunteer Lifetime Honor Award winner, now volunteer service time More than 10,000 hours of blood donation for more than 440 times;
People, with love, will have the best character and infinite wisdom.